taken down as Operation Payback continues

9 Dec 2010 was taken down by hactivist group Anonymous in retaliation for its actions against the WikiLeaks, the whistle-blowing website.

In the latest attack against a major website, ‘Operation Payback’ targeted for its part in suspending WikiLeaks accounts, making it nearly impossible for the website to receive sponsorship. appears to be back up and running but tweeters on social media site Twitter had posted messages that read, “We are attacking in an hour. Get your weapons ready … And keep firing” and “It’s down, keep firing” appeared on the Anon_Operationn page.

Closing down

Social media site Facebook has already shut down the account of the group, as had Twitter soon afterwards, but it soon reappeared under different name (Anon_Operationn, promoting the hash tags #payback and #DDOS), offering links to internet relay chat servers where members of AG are planning attacks against sites that took action against WikiLeaks.

Anonymous has in a number of days launched attacks on a number of sites that have temporarily paralysed the Post Finance website , the Swiss bank’s website and for their actions against WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.