In an ideal world, we’d adore all of our co-workers but that isn’t necessarily always the case.
Given that we spend most of our adult lives at work, having a harmonious relationship with co-workers is pretty vital.
Not only are positive relationships integral to the collaborative nature of modern working life, but it can be personally distressing to be faced with someone you have trouble getting along with more than 40 hours of the week.
In the book The People Factor, Van Moody says that 80pc of all workplace tensions can be attributed to interpersonal difficulties between co-workers.
While you could simply look for a new job, that option is both strenuous and could possibly mean sacrificing a role that you otherwise adore. The most ideal option would be to find a way to make a strained relationship with a colleague workable.
Fortunately for those of you with these issues, the good people at NetCredit have made an infographic replete with easy-to-implement techniques for navigating these more fraught co-worker relationships.
One of the key recommendations is to stay calm. Research conducted by TalentSmart concluded that 90pc of top professionals believe they are skilled at self-possession and keeping a handle on their emotions.
Taking a moment to breathe and consider your response can help you avoid reacting rashly, which can often mean acting in an inflammatory and perhaps ill-advised manner.
Opening up your body language could also help you start off on a better foot with those you have tension with.
Suggesting to a colleague that you go for a walk or grab a coffee while having a tense conversation will open up both your body language and theirs, which could have a seriously good effect on the outcome of the discussion.
Active listening is also advised, as comprehending those you have difficulty with at a deeper level could possibly smooth tensions over entirely.
For more of these handy techniques, check out the infographic below.

Image: NetCredit