You can’t always pop out for a nap when you’re fighting off sleep at your desk. In the meantime, these tips can give you a boost of energy.
Are you exhausted? Many of us are.
Everyone can relate to the feeling that your skull is a husk holding a withered, dehydrated brain. Everyone has knocked acrid instant coffee back like it’s Sambuca at a hen party in the hopes of being able to concentrate for five seconds. We’ve all walked into the bathroom and pawed helplessly at plum-coloured eye bags, wondering if clients will notice our greying skin.
The working parents of this world will probably relate to the above deeply. But, even if you don’t have a gaggle of children to mind, sometimes you just get busy. The changing of the seasons as summer peters into dreary autumn can be tough on the system. Insomnia can take hold for no real reason.
Sometimes, the reason insomnia takes hold is because of your job. You may find yourself kept awake at night by the dull hum of deliverable-related panic.
Whatever the cause, being constantly exhausted is a miserable way to live. Sleep and energy issues are pretty complex and therefore aren’t going to be fixed quickly.
If you are in need of ways to tide yourself over, though, these tips by Pound Place could help you get your energy back quickly.
You may not want to hear it, but two of the biggest allies to the sleep-deprived are alcohol and caffeine, and they could be your undoing. Alcohol before bed delays and shortens the period of REM, meaning you don’t sleep as well. Caffeine can linger in your system for hours after you’ve had a cup to jolt you awake at an 11am meeting – this can hinder the quality of your rest time.
Drinking water, eating energy-releasing foods and squeezing in a quick workout could all go a long way towards making you feel a bit better.
For some more great tips on getting your energy back, check out the infographic below.

Infographic: Pound Place/Pounds to Pocket