The Digital Marketing Institute and recruitment agency Prosperity are jointly investing €2.3m to up-skill and place more than 700 marketing executives in the digital sector in Ireland over the next two years.
As highlighted in the Government’s Digital Economy Action Plan, the digital sector in Ireland continues to buck the recession and is set to grow exponentially. The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan TD, recently outlined a plan that – if successful – has the potential to create up to 30,000 jobs.
However, according to research by DCU and The Clarity Research Centre, a lack of graduates with the requisite digital skills could result in Ireland being a less than attractive place to invest those digital dollars, curbing the development of the domestic digital industry.
The Digital Marketing Institute and Prosperity are addressing this shortfall in digital expertise through a combined programme of training and recruitment services.
“We have been inundated with requests from companies to get their staff skilled in new digital media techniques,” stated Anthony Quigley, CEO, Digital Marketing Institute.
“The Digital Marketing Institute diploma provides hands-on knowledge, skills and experience to those wishing to up-skill or re-skill in the digital arena. Our lecturers are some of Ireland’s top people in online marketing.
This programme means the Digital Marketing Institute is delivered with specific jobs in mind and course graduates are fast-tracked by Prosperity into companies with specific digital requirements.
“There is currently a huge appetite for digital knowledge, from both client companies and job seekers. This partnership allows us to offer the best solution to both candidates and companies,” said Gary Mullan, partner at Prosperity.
By John Kennedy
Photo: The Digital Marketing Institute and job-recruitment agency Prosperity are addressing the shortfall in digital expertise through a training and recruitment services programme.