E-commerce giant Amazon has released its diversity report, revealing that white men dominate its workforce.
Some 63pc of all employees at Amazon are male, while the makeup of Amazonian managers climbs even higher, to 75pc. It’s a common theme across the industry, with Apple’s own diversity report released in August and Twitter’s released in July offering similar results.
“We know that in middle school and high school, students are already deciding what professions they want to pursue,” read Amazon’s report.
“More often than not female students and students of colour are opting out of technology and engineering. We want to change this. We want all students to know the possibilities that await them at a company like Amazon.
“GLAmazon, our LGBT Affinity Group, sponsors the Seattle PRIDE Parade along with other outreach activities to give back to our local community. In 2014, readers of Minority Engineer Magazine named Amazon as the No 5 company ‘for whom they would most like to work or that they believe would provide a positive working environment for members of minority groups.’”
However, despite all of this, the breakdown of Amazon staff across race lines also offers little surprise, with 60pc of workers in the US white (71pc of managers). People of black and Asian backgrounds represent 15pc and 13pc of the overall US workforce, with manager numbers at 4pc and 18pc respectively.