Google and the Irish Software Association (ISA) are working together to help small companies better exploit the potential of the internet in marketing their business.
“The global slowdown is hitting almost every part of every economy, but it is businesses that have recognised the opportunities the internet presents that are prospering,” said Ronan Harris (pictured), director of online sales and operations, Google EMEA.
“Technological advances are opening up new opportunities and driving down costs. The internet will be a key driver of our economic recovery, with software enterprises helping to harness the opportunities it presents,” Harris said.
As part of a wider ISA campaign to increase co-operation between multinational software companies and small and medium-sized software enterprises, Google’s Learning and Development Team have just held the second in a series of free workshops to provide practical advice on how online advertising can be used to get ahead in a time of economic downturn.
The half-day training programme focused on how to use search advertising and other forms of online marketing to help attract new customers. It also highlighted online trends in Ireland, and outlined the free Google tools available to help businesses to understand changes in user behaviour and ways to exploit the revenue-earning potential of business websites.
“With total internet subscriptions increased to 1.4 million in Q4 of 2008, an 18.5pc increase on Q4 2007, online advertising in tough economic times is of great importance for companies in terms of flexibility and cost competitiveness,” noted ISA director, Kathryn D’Arcy.
By John Kennedy
Pictured: Ronan Harris, director of online sales and operations, Google EMEA