The launch of Statcounter’s Global Stats service, which resulted in over 100,000 hits from 100 countries in two weeks, earned Simpson Financial & Technology PR the New Media Award at the 2009 PR awards.
The award-winning campaign generated international online media and blogger coverage, as well as global Twitter feedback.
“New media, which includes online and social media, is the biggest change and opportunity to hit marketing and public relations (PR) in 30 years, which is why we are so delighted to win this award,” commented Ronnie Simpson, founder of Simpson FT PR.
Established in 1995, Simpson Financial & Technology PR was the first Irish-owned PR firm to specialise in technology. It has previously won overall PRCA awards for Business-to-Business and Corporate PR.
Irish-owned StatCouner provides a free service that allows members monitor the number of hits to their website, the geographical location of visitors, the various pages a visitor views, keywords used to find the site, plus other features. StatCounter Global Stats is a free online service that records market share of search engines, browsers and operating systems, including mobile.
“New media represents a huge new opportunity for Irish-headquartered technology firms to communicate and market globally in a highly cost-effective way,” added Aodhan Cullen, founder and CEO, StatCounter.
By John Kennedy