Minister John Perry and the high-level group that will work to remove the bureaucratic hurdles stifling economic growth
The ridiculous levels of red tape in Irish Government departments are finally about to be tackled with a cross-government project that aims to remove 25pc of administrative burdens. This could save the Irish economy €500m.
A high-level group comprising representatives of Government, business and trade unions gathered together by Minister for Small Business John Perry, TD, heard today how the Department of Jobs, Innovation and Enterprise has already reduced the administrative burdens it places on small firms by 22pc.
The group was also briefed on the launch of the cross-Government project to cut administrative burdens in seven departments and Revenue by 25pc by the end of 2012.
The first phase involves measuring the administrative burdens imposed on business so a quantifiable reduction is possible and measurement is now under way in Revenue and the Departments of Social Protection and Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.
The project should result in a saving of €500m across the economy once the 25pc target is achieved, Perry said.
“I will be convening workshops around the country as part of this cross-Government project to hear directly from businesses about practical suggestions for simplifying the administrative burden imposed by regulation.
“This is another important area where participation from firms, especially SMEs, can help to speed up progress in making Ireland one of the best places in the world to do business,” Perry said.
Last week, entrepreneur Bill Liao pointed out to the Digital Ireland Forum the imperative of removing the frictions getting in the way of businesses and start-ups in Ireland.
In addition, the director of economic policy in San Jose, Kim Walesh, made it clear that as well as creating an environment where all cultures can flourish and innovate with harmony, a pro-business attitude of saving firms time and money and, if necessary, issuing permits at the speed of business was vital.