Irish cloud computing services company Saaspoint has struck deals worth over €1m with major firms including global software firm Misys and California-based International Asset Systems.
The Saaspoint contracts have been won for consultancy and implementation of cloud computing strategies in the enterprise, in one case across 22,000 users.
“The global economic downturn has been one of the drivers of increased demand for cloud computing in the enterprise,” commented Colm Mulcahy (pictured), CEO, Saaspoint.
“Despite the downturn, business must go on, but CIOs and CFOs are looking for technology that can reduce costs but be implemented rapidly.”
He added: “In one case, we rolled out the implementation of a cloud computing CRM service in eight weeks that would have taken 18-24 months with a traditional on premise or client server implementation.”
Saaspoint has grown rapidly with revenues of in excess of €3m. Many of the Saaspoint employees and senior management are former salesforce.com staffers.
“Cloud computing and SaaS was born in the United States by pioneers such as salesforce.com and Google. We are proud of the fact that an Irish-owned firm is now selling cloud computing consultancy services back into the US and globally,” added Mulcahy.
A recent Forrester report ‘Talking to Your CFO about Cloud Computing’ highlighted three key business benefits to CFOs of implementing a cloud computing strategy.
These include speed of rollout; outsourcing of non core competencies to a service provider to free up internal IT resources, and the reduced cost of funding IT projects by using a pay-as-you-go model to save cash in crunch times.
By John Kennedy
Pictured: Colm Mulcahy, CEO, Saaspoint