As Taoiseach Brian Cowen TD urged workers towards solidarity and not letting defeatism taint economic recovery, some technology and web firms are already looking at ways of getting workers to improve their job prospects.
As unemployment rises at its fastest rate in almost two decades, it’s a testing time for individuals who fear losing their jobs, said Maurice Whelan, head of customer services at Sage Ireland.
Sage has developed a range of training courses for individuals interested in upskilling and improving their job prospects.
According to Whelan, experience with packages such as Sage and TAs are sought after by many employers.
“It is our responsibility to help and support people and business through these testing economic times,” Whelan explained.
“We have developed a range of training courses that will provide customised, accredited training for people who need to update their existing work-related skills, or acquire new skills, in order to enhance their employability and improve their life prospects.”
Meanwhile, according to recruitment website LoadzaJobs.ie, some companies are finding themselves poised for growth in 2009, and are still hiring despite the recession.
The web firm has launched a new online Jobs Fair at www.jobsfair.ie to showcase those companies that are still recruiting staff, despite the tough economy.
“It’s critical for jobseekers to keep a sense of perspective about the downturn,” commented Michael Wallace, commercial director of LoadzaJobs.ie, “because there are still companies hiring; unfortunately just not as many as 12 months ago.”
In addition, an uncertain job market calls for a robust career management plan. www.jobsfair.ie will feature a Career Advice section dedicated to upskilling or re-training for an entirely new career, with tips from industry experts and a career surgeon on recession-proofing your job.
“We have launched the website to help people around the country to outsmart the recession by topping up their skills and acquiring new ones. The economic crisis has made upskilling and re-skilling an imperative for those facing redundancy and the possibility of unemployment,” said Wallace.
By John Kennedy