Tesla S image via Wikimedia Commons
In a sign of things to come, electric car company Tesla Motors has announced it has achieved record sales of 6,900 in Q4 2013.
In a statement on Tesla Motors’ website, the company revealed the 6,900 cars sold was 20pc higher than earlier predictions.
Last year was an important year for Tesla Motors, as it saw the launch of its first mainstream model, the Tesla S, which became available in Europe in August last year.
The company has attributed the high number of sales last year to its safety record. That record includes zero deaths or serious, permanent injuries since the company was founded, which accounts for six years in 31 countries with almost 321m kilometres (200m miles) driven to date.
Free charging for users
This week also saw the company announce on Twitter that owners of the most in-demand electric car on the market can now travel across the entire span of the US for free, with the opening of a series of connecting Supercharger stations over a particular route, bringing the total number of stations to 63 in North America and 11 in Europe.
With the launch of the Model X later this year, the company should expect to find increasing sales once again, despite the hefty price tag which will set buyers back €70,000 for a Model S in Ireland.