Twitter is continuing its purchases of companies that cater to inserting native advertising into mobile web services with the acquisition of Namo Media.
The advertising hosting company announced the news on their blog page and that they will now begin integrating their software with Twitter’s advertising platform known as MoPub.
Twitter, along with many other mobile-integrated websites, are rapidly realising that banner adverts placed on a mobile web page can look clunky and could discourage visitors, however Namo Media have successfully integrated advertising ‘natively’ to webpages such as SportsFeed and provide templates for other businesses to implement custom ad formats.
Speaking on their blog, the company said that they hope to increase the power of the software once it is integrated with MoPub: “Combining our technology with MoPub will offer our current and future customers a more powerful platform to generate revenue, all while preserving an amazing user experience.”
Meanwhile, Twitter, in their blog post, spoke of Namo Media fitting in with their vision of how mobile advertising is expected to progress: “In our conversations with the Namo Media team, it became clear we share a vision for how native advertising can improve the state of mobile app monetization for marketers, app publishers, and users. We’re thrilled to add Namo Media’s expertise and technology to the ecosystem MoPub and Twitter have already developed to continue building the best native ads platform for app developers and publishers.”
Twitter has been busy making acquisitions and agreements with advertising companies to expand their mobile marketing including the recent deal signed with Omnicorp to the tune of US$230m to provide direct advertising to their mobile app.