US semiconductor maker Xilinx has confirmed that it will reduce its workforce at the company’s operations in Ireland by 130 positions.
The Irish arm of the company, which employs over 400 people, said that it will enter into consultation with its staff on the proposed implementation of up to 130 redundancies. The proposed redundancies will take place over a nine-month period.
The company said the cutbacks are occurring as part of a global reorganisation to ensure “ongoing competitiveness in line with current economic conditions”.
The weight of the impact will be felt in Xilinx’s manufacturing and testing operations, along with some support and administrative roles.
The company confirmed that Ireland will continue to be the corporation’s headquarters for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and will continue to have a strong focus in R&D, engineering, IT, marketing and customer-focused operations.
“Decisions of this nature and in this climate are distressing for our employees and their families,” said the managing director of Xilinx EMEA, Kevin Cooney.
“We are conscious of the difficulties for those employees leaving the company and our immediate concern is to support them in whatever way we can.”
By John Kennedy