Yahoo! adds Xoopit to its collection

23 Jul 2009

Yahoo! has spent US$20m to acquire Xoopit, a tech firm that helps Yahoo! users to organise photographs within the internet giant’s email system.

The company’s technology helps in the sending and sharing of photograph collections via email inboxes and creating indexes.

With the integration of Xoopit’s platform technology and capabilities, the task of sending photos via email will be as easy as it should be, and sharing photo albums with friends and family members will also be a cinch,” said Bryan Lamkin of Yahoo! Applications.

“You’ll be able to share your pictures among a group of friends or family like never before – combining pictures from numerous sources into a single album for a private group to view. And soon your inbox will become an organised photo index as well. Just imagine having a tool that collects all the photos you’ve sent and received over the years into that scrapbook you’ve never had time to assemble.

“In short, Xoopit will bring phenomenal photo organization, improved photo sharing, and the serendipity of discovering forgotten photos to Yahoo! Mail,” Lamkin said.

He pointed out that Yahoo! is actually home to one of the largest online photography collections in the world, with millions of people using Yahoo! Mail as the primary way to share photos.

By John Kennedy