A couple of weeks ago, 17-year-old Nick D’Aloisio sold his news summarising app Summly to internet giant Yahoo! for a rumoured US$30m. D’Aloisio developed the first version of the app when he was 15, proving it’s never too early to scratch an entrepreneurial itch.
There’s obviously more to being a successful entrepreneur than just a desire to develop and run a business.
Successful entrepreneurs possess certain traits, StartupSmart cites psychologist Dr Mike Allan as having said.
For example, “Allan stresses the importance of resilience in successful entrepreneurs, saying that without it, people are likely to give up when the going gets tough,” Nina Hendy writes on StartupSmart.
This week, we pay tribute to entrepreneurs – be they 17 or 70 – and their resilience. Without them we would be without Facebook, Groupon, Amazon and many other products and services we enjoy today.