Institute of Technology Tallaght (ITT Dublin)
Institute of Technology, Tallaght (ITT Dublin) is the sole higher education institution in South Dublin County. The county is one of the most densely populated and highly
industrialised regions in Ireland. ITT Dublin is a key driver in the development of the region and works closely with regional and national partners for that purpose.
Teaching and Learning ITT Dublin offers a broad range of both Full-time and part-time Undergraduate Programmes and a number of taught Post Graduate Programmes that are recognised internationally. The Institute prides itself on its commitment to teaching and learning and provides students with opportunities for Flexible learning, distance learning, customised on site work based learning and International partnerships. Students are nurtured in a supportive environment that boasts excellent information services, access and career advice, targeted academic supports, health centre, provision for those with disabilities and active clubs and societies.
Enterprise & Innovation Synergy Centre at ITT Dublin is the innovation centre of South Dublin County. With a focus on the high technology and knowledge intensive sectors, our aim is to enable industry and academia to interact to create viable enterprises for South Dublin County that will secure the area’s future in terms of job creation, innovation and export potential.
Research has flourished at ITT Dublin reflecting the high priority attached to it by the Institute. The Institute hosts seven Research Centres and Strategic Partnerships
with other higher education institutions have been established. The Institute has had tremendous success in winning research funding from national and industry research funding programmes.
The career event for experienced professionals and graduatess
September 10 – 11, 2011
Mansion House, Dublin 2