Is your boss a commander or a coach? Knowing the kind of boss you have can make working for them much easier.
We spend almost half of our lives at work. So, it’s no surprise that how much we like work, how nice our colleagues are, and how our boss behaves can have a direct impact on our mood.
Your boss can be a particularly powerful entity if their style doesn’t match yours, and it can be hard to work with someone when you don’t know what their reaction to a situation will be.
One of the best ways to enjoy a happy working life is to know how to work with different personality types. This is especially true when it comes to your boss.
For instance, if you would class your boss as a visionary, it means they are probably always talking about the bigger picture. They might not concern themselves with the finer details or small-term goals in how to get to the end result.
However, these bosses tend to be very inspirational and work well with a team that is focused on an overall goal. The best way to get along with this type of boss is to really understand their key goals and come up with creative, innovative ways of meeting them.
On the flip side, a commander will be much more direct and specific. These bosses will usually expect full compliance with their demands. One advantage here is that you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’re more than likely always going to know where you stand.
Doing what is asked of you and making sure you’re clear about the desired results will help you work well together.
Knowing exactly the type of boss you have means you can figure out how to work with them. While there are variations and crossovers in personality, knowing the six basic leadership styles will go a long way towards helping you figure things out.
Check out the infographic below for a more detailed look at the different types of bosses and how best to work with them.

Infographic: Quick Quid