Ireland's potential to be a global wind energy leader, capitalising on our massive wind energy resources, right on our doorstep
EirGrid says Ireland reached a new record in the output of Ireland’s wind farms this past Wednesday. The independent operator of Ireland’s transmission grid has also created a new free SmartGrid iPhone app so people can monitor wind generation on the system and be more energy-conscious.
The amount of power generated from wind power at 6pm on Wednesday evening, 2 November 2011, was 1,412 megawatts. That figure is enough power to supply the equivalent of 918,000 domestic homes nationally.
“We welcome this latest record. EirGrid is proactively developing the necessary infrastructure and operational capability to help meet Ireland’s renewable targets, which are among the highest in Europe. Key to this will be EirGrid’s Smart Grid programme, which aims to ensure the secure and efficient management of the power system with very high levels of renewables,” said an EirGrid spokesperson this evening.
As part of its smart grid programme, EirGrid recently launched an updated version of its iPhone application, SmartGrid version 1.1. Over 2,100 users have downloaded the free SmartGrid App to date.
New SmartGrid version 1.1 – free for people to download for the iPhone
The app, which allows users to browse and graphically view key energy-related data in an easy format, was developed in response to public interest in reducing its carbon footprint and includes real-time electricity system data, including information on wind generation.
A zoomable map shows the all-island transmission system and the location of all conventional generation and transmission-connected wind farms.
The application also displays information on the usage of different household appliances, thereby enabling consumers to be aware and more energy-efficient.
EirGrid is also the owner of the System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI Ltd), the TSO in Northern Ireland. The Single Electricity Market Operator (SEMO) is part of the EirGrid Group, and operates the wholesale all-island Single Electricity Market on the island of Ireland.