Transport is the third largest contributor to global CO2 emissions and, according to the EPA’s guest lecturer Julia King, in less than 20 years the number of cars in the world will double.
The EPA Climate Change Lecture Series continues tonight, Tuesday, 1 February, at 6.30pm, in the Mansion House, Dublin, a lecture on Technologies for Sustainable Transport by Prof Julia King, vice-chancellor of Aston University, UK.
King’s lecture will discuss the advancement of various technologies for sustainable transport, this includes biofuel-powered vehicles. King believes in encouraging consumers to use these technologies, and manufacturers to invest in research and development.
King declares that, “We have to do something about this, to change behaviours and adopt sustainable technologies, some of which are available now, and others which require more investment and more research. This is the only way in which we can deliver improved personal mobility while meeting the global target of a 50pc reduction in carbon emissions.”
Laura Burke, director of the EPA s Office of Climate Change, is excited to welcome King tonight.
“We are conscious that reducing emissions from the transport sector remains particularly challenging for Ireland and we are therefore delighted to welcome Prof King to the EPA s Climate Change Lecture series and to hear her contribution in the crucial area of sustainable transport.”