Green tech and energy efficiency will be a major focus of the Government’s Infrastructure Priorities Programme to 2016 to make Ireland a leader in the deployment of renewable energy.
A core objective will be reducing energy use in existing building stock and a target of 10,000 new jobs has been set as part of a retrofit scheme, according to the Government’s Infrastructure Investment Priorities programme to 2016.
Some €880m will be invested in a national energy efficiency retrofit programme spanning public and private housing, industry and the public sector.
Close to €3.5bn will be invested in developing water services infrastructure to match existing and future demand and a further €480m will be provided for Flood Management and Relief Schemes.
Investment is being aligned with the National Spatial Strategy while provision is being made to re-establish the Gateways Innovation Fund with an indicative level of funding of €200m from 2012.
A key objective will be the development of a new industrial base in the use of ICT to improve energy efficiency.
The Government said that Ireland would make an ideal test bed for new “Smart Grid” applications such as building energy management systems and electric vehicles.
A new €20m International Energy Research Centre will partner with industry to solve energy management problems with global applications.