The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte, TD, has opened up a consultation process so members of the public and interested parties can send written submissions for consideration by the Department of Energy in response to the publication of a consultation paper on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive in Ireland.
The consultation will run for four weeks from today (17 October) to Wednesday, 13 November.
All submissions received will be published on the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources’ (DCENR) website once the consultation period wraps up.
Rabbitte is encouraging anyone with an interest in energy efficiency – particularly residential customers and businesses – to read the consultation and take the opportunity to input their views on this issue.
The knock-on impacts of improving the energy efficiency of all areas of the Irish economy, he said, would encompass reduced energy prices, increased competitiveness, and supporting more secure, sustainable jobs on a national basis.
The Energy Efficiency Directive, Rabbitte argued, will lead to a “stable regulatory framework” that will provide certainty and encourage industry to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
“The role of energy suppliers will be crucial to delivering our ambitious national efficiency targets, which are challenging, but I am confident that our energy service companies will meet that challenge.”
The public can now send submissions by email to energy.efficiency@dcenr.gov.ie or by post to Claire Collins, EED Consultation, Energy Efficiency and Affordability Division, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, 29-31 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2.
Blennerville Windmill in Co Kerry, Ireland, image via Shutterstock