Image via Eugene Chernetsov/Shutterstock
We Irish love to talk about the weather, and so the Science Gallery has dedicated an entire exhibition to it, which will showcase visions of a global culture adapting to extreme weather and how this will affect our daily lives.
Strange Weather will run throughout the summer at Science Gallery, Dublin and curators CoClimate have issued an open call for project proposals from artists, scientists, meteorologists, cloud enthusiasts (the ones in the sky, that is) and any other ‘-ists’ out there with an idea on how we can predict, model and even create the weather.
Proposed projects should be participative, interactive and suitable for a broad range of ages. The aim for projects selected for the exhibition is to inform, intrigue, provoke dialogue and engage audiences directly, making the topic at hand more relevant to everyday experiences – in this case, connecting massive planetary-scale systems to personal, localised and individual lived experience.
From tools for predicting and preparing for severe weather, to works that show how weather information is collected, to scientific experiments utilising data from visitors – any amazing project that is relevant to the theme ‘Strange Weather’ is appropriate.
More details on the exhibition and how to submit a proposal is available on the Science Gallery website. Submissions will be accepted up to midnight on 14 February.
Extreme weather image by Eugene Chernetsov via Shutterstock