Blog, stock and barrel
for Irish AOL team

8 May 2006

Engineers at AOL Technologies’ development centre in Dublin have developed a new blogging network focused on enabling bloggers to provide daily, insightful commentary and analysis on the world’s most widely held and international public companies.

Eight members of AOL’s Dublin development team were involved in the project which took approximately six weeks to complete. is the latest application to be developed at AOL’s Dublin Development Centre.

Last February Stock Screener, an application which helps tailor individual share investment packages for users, was launched on AOL Money & Finance. The application was fully designed and built in Ireland.

“We are delighted to be involved in bringing this unique network of blogs to our leading financial site,” said Aengus McClean, vice-Ppesident of AOL Technologies Ireland. “This challenging project required the expertise and dedication of our skilled product development team to complete.”

The first series of blogs to appear on will cover the performance of leading stock market firms Time Warner, Google, Yahoo!, Apple, eBay, Microsoft, Wal-Mart and General Electric.

By John Kennedy