Digiweb has confirmed it will be including a 1Gbps business service in a new line-up of products due to feature on the company’s fixed and wireless platforms.
The new Digiweb Business portfolio will feature the dedicated 1Gbps business service over wireless and fibre, which will form part of a new business brand – Digiweb Business.
“These new services will be available with short installation lead times and will be offered in main towns and cities,” said Digiweb’s corporate solutions manager, James Kenny (pictured).
“We are also bringing our expansion plans forward and additional consumer and business solutions will be released shortly,” Kenny added.
Digiweb’s new speed announcement follows Minister Eamon Ryan’s comments at the Real Broadband Alternatives Conference last week on the need to develop a knowledge economy to ensure growth during the challenging economic times Ireland now faces.
Minister Ryan has recently highlighted broadband infrastructure as the key infrastructure to keep Ireland on the global stage.
Digiweb said it envisages the development of new high-speed wireless platforms as central to assisting government objectives on high-speed broadband rollout.
Digiweb’s new high-speed broadband services are part of the company’s expansion plans being brought forward and forms part of the current staff recruitment drive.
Digiweb is currently aiming to have an additional 40 personnel join the company over the summer months.
By John Kennedy