Image via robert_s/Shutterstock
The Irish Government plans to examine each area of Ireland to determine which towns, villages, roads and streets are likely to receive high-speed broadband from commercial operators, and so the gaps in infrastructure that will require State-supported investment will be revealed.
Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte, TD, has recognised this national broadband mapping project as a key step in delivering the National Broadband Plan, which has promised to deliver broadband speeds of a minimum 30Mbps across Ireland through a combination of public and private investment.
The Government is seeking information on Ireland’s broadband infrastructure and the extent of coverage from telecoms operators. Areas with advanced broadband services already in place and also where there are plans in place for such services in the coming three years will be identified.
“Participation in this exercise is voluntary and it is a matter for each company to decide on its own behalf,” said Rabbitte. “However, I am encouraged by the supportive attitude of the industry towards the National Broadband Plan. I would urge all operators in the telecommunications industry to participate as fully as possible. The information gathered will be used to confirm where it is sensible to use public money.”
Full details on the mapping process can be found on the website of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.
Broadband speed image via robert_s/Shutterstock