Meteor drops price on prepay broadband

10 Sep 2009

The Huawei E180 HSPA USB Modem from Meteor Broadband to Go has been dropped in price from €79 to €49, offering what it claims is now the best value mobile broadband on the market.

Meteor launched its Broadband to Go earlier this year for both Pay As You Go and Bill Pay customers.

Pay As You Go customers can buy either a day pass at €2.99 for 500MB or a 30-day pass at €19.99 for 5GB. The modem is priced at €49 but Bill Pay customers may buy the modem for just €29 for a €16.99 per month, 5GB deal.

More details on Meteor Broadband to Go are available at

Photo: The Huawei E180 HSPA USB Modem from Meteor Broadband to Go.

By Marie Boran, via