While many businesses up and down the country are using Office 2007 for day-to-day business, how many are really using it by taking advantage of its collaborative elements and information management software?
Irish mobile operator Meteor has decide to standardise with Microsoft Office 2007 by rolling it out across 800 desktops in its different offices, and is using Sharepoint to hook up and synchronise the workflow for its local and remote workers.
“With people increasingly working on the move or from home, the ability to have integrated online workspaces where you can share calendars, documents, lists etc is very important. SharePoint makes the entire collaboration process simpler and more efficient,” said Richard Moore, business manager of the Information Worker for Microsoft Ireland.
“When you have a team where all participants work with the same data set, you eliminate the possibility of errors which arise from working with multiple copies of the same document, and you can get projects done more quickly.”
As part of the upgrade to Office 2007, Meteor got free consultancy support and end-user training including video aids, and Meteor’s IT infrastructure manager Paul Kirwan said that in eight weeks the firm was able to provide a better service with no negative user feedback.
“We need systems that maximise the ability of our people to find the right information, use the right processes and work together wherever they are, resulting in greater productivity. We have moved from Office 2000 to 2007, and achieved these objectives in a very short space of time,” he said.
By Marie Boran
Pictured from left: Paul Kirwan, IT infrastructure manager, Meteor Mobile Communications and Richard Moore, business manager, Information Worker Microsoft Ireland