More than 13 million people in Ecuador will be able to access new interactive TV services thanks to technology developed by Irish mobile software firm Valista.
The Co Wicklow-based company has announced that Metromovil, a joint venture between Tradesoft, a systems integrator specialising in payment systems, and Gamavision, the TV station with the largest geographical coverage in Ecuador, is using Valista’s Mobile Delivery Platform to deliver mobile content to its customers.
Metromovil provides premium mobile content such as games, ringtones and interactive TV formats from a range of content and service providers. The company is looking to deliver content to its customers through new channels (via premium SMS) focusing on mass media, with distribution agreements in place with TV channels, print magazines, radio and internet portals. Valista’s technology will help Metromovil target this growing market.
“Metromovil is a leading innovator and is setting the standard for delivering premium services to its customers through a range of media,” said Raomal Perera, CEO of Valista. “Valista’s technology is the ideal applications platform to enable operators to maximise the potential of m-commerce and we are confident that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship between our two companies.”
The Metromovil deal is Valista’s second significant success in South America. Two years ago, the firm announced that TODO1 (pronounced Todo Uno), a leading online banking and e-services company based in Miami, Florida, had chosen mzone SMS Banking as its core platform to offer mobile banking services in the Andean region, which covers Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.
By Brian Skelly