Mobile web browser developers Skyfire has applauded Opera for paving the way for other browser apps on the iPhone, adding that it has accelerated its own iPhone/iPad strategy.
Skyfire was set up in 2006 and already provides a free mobile web browser with rich media experience for Windows Mobile, Nokia phones, Palm and Sony Ericsson but now plans to follow in Opera footsteps and head to the App Store.
“Everyone at Skyfire was heartened by this decision by Apple to open up their platform and believe this sets a solid precedent for additional innovation in mobile browsing from other companies,” said Jeff Glueck, CEO of Skyfire.
“Skyfire believes this approval is a solid first step and there’s still major consumer demand for great rich media and video browsing on these devices. Our philosophy is that enhanced speed AND all the rich media of the web can be together in one browser.”
By Marie Boran