Smart deploys broadband nationwide – new 24Mbps services

28 Apr 2009

Smart has revealed that it will begin offering 3Mbps services from 700 Eircom exchanges nationwide, as well as offering 24Mbps services from another 300 exchanges.

The company will offer business customers up to 24Mbps broadband services with no usage limits or contention for €24 (ex VAT) from 37 exchanges that the company has unbundled.

In 300 other exchanges, the company will offer the service for €49 a month.

Smart Telecom also announced that from 700 exchanges nationwide it will provide 3Mbps broadband including line rental and off-peak local and national calls for €47.49, and 7Mbps with calls for €51.49.

“Today marks the entry of Smart Telecom into the national voice and internet market,” said John Quinn, development director at Smart Telecom.

“For business customers, our 24Mbps products starting at just €24 per month set the standard for price and performance. We are focusing on high-quality products, with unlimited usage at very competitive prices.

“With the recent launch of RTE’s new media player, we expect bandwidth and usage to greatly increase in Ireland and we aim to lead this market. We have set the entry bar for residential services at 3Mbps, as we feel that 1Mbps is no longer relevant in the global broadband debate,” Quinn added.

By John Kennedy