Top civil servant gets blogging

20 Jun 2005

One of Ireland’s most senior civil servants and a driving force behind the Government’s broadband initiatives has started his own personal blog.

Brendan Tuohy, secretary general at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, is no stranger to technology and has spearheaded and advocated major broadband infrastructure initiatives such as the Government’s €65m metropolitan area network (MAN) strategy as well as the Group Broadband Scheme.

In a move that neatly sums up his enthusiasm for technology, Tuohy has joined what is effectively a global movement whereby people keep online diaries of their views and experiences. The blogging movement is also believed to be the vanguard of a new era in citizen journalism.

Hosted on MSN’s Spaces site, Tuohy’s blog is entitled Sliabh Luachra and contains personal reflections as well as photography from his travels.

Tuohy began the blog on 5 June with the words: “Just thought I would start my own blog and see how it works out. Always interesting to try something new! Will start putting some ideas up over the coming weeks and see the reaction.”

His blog on MSN Spaces already contains a description of a meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a discourse on Ireland’s welfare state and a report on volunteer experiences in Nairobi, Kenya and Calcutta.

By John Kennedy