EirGrid launches SmartGrid iPhone app

4 Oct 2010

EirGrid has launched a new iPhone application that enables users to view valuable energy-related data.

The SmartGrid app from EirGrid, an iPhone application, allows users to browse through renewable energy information and related data, which can vary from the effect of household devices on carbon emissions to wind forecasting.

The real-time household appliance rating for carbon emissions allows users to select up to five household appliances and calculates the CO2 intensity for the use of the selected appliance at that point in time.

Real-time electricity data

EirGrid says SmartGrid will provide the user with a real-time view of system demand and carbon emissions.

Other features include real-time electricity system data, including system demand, wind generation/wind forecast, CO2 emissions, and CO2 intensity, as well as zoomable maps that show the all-island transmission system and the location of all conventional generation and transmission-connected wind farms.

SmartGrid requires an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad running iOS 3.0 or above.

The SmartGrid can be downloaded here.