Cybercrime costs the world more than the global black market in marijuana, cocaine and heroin combined, a new infographic reveals. The global black market pertaining to those drugs amounts to US$288bn, whereas globally, cybercrime costs US$388bn annually in lost time and finances.
The infographic published by London Loves Business on Visual.ly paints an overall picture of cybercrime, providing facts and figures on the main cyber threats to business, the average number of targeted attacks blocked per day by company size, the unique number of malware, top 10 sectors by number of data breaches in 2011, cyber attacks by country in 2011, and a glimpse at cybercrime in the UK.
The infographic also states that 40pc of all targeted cyber attacks have been directed at SMEs since the beginning of 2010, which relates to research findings by small business insurance firm Hiscox which reveal only 25pc of SMEs are very confident about their data security measures.