Irish internet business player Buy4Now Technologies has signed a contract to develop an e-commerce retail site for Homecare Medical Supplies.
It will be tasked to deliver an online retail site servicing the ever growing needs to care for people in their own homes with nursing and care products to support this.
Equipment and products that help people live independently as a result of a disability or illness or ageing will be available to purchase on the new site.
Aiming to create access in an easy to use site, particularly as many people who need aids and devices may have issues around mobility due to their age, illness etc, the site will allow easy shopping for things that they need either on a one off basis such as a stairlift, or items they need to replace regularly such as gloves and wipes.
Many of the aids on the site will have been prescribed to patients by public health nurses or occupational therapists.
The Homecare Medical Supplies site will facilitate ordering on-line for delivery to people’s homes in an easily navigated site due to go live in June 2011.
Homecare Medical are also joining Ireland’s online shopping centre
Growth in homecare medical supplies market
“Medical and homecare supplies is an area that heretofore were often housed in very specific shops or in medical devices companies scattered nationwide or brought to a person’s home by a healthcare professional or carer,” explained Michael Veale, CEO Buy4Now Technology Group.
“This site will allow patients and their family and carers to see all the products that could help them live more independently and order online for nationwide delivery, so in essence this type of site is very much focused on bringing health and medical care into people’s homes.
“Deploying the Buy4Now Technology ‘software as a service’ ( cloud computing ), Homecare Medical will have a high functioning e-retail site to bring their range of products to homes nationwide, following on their 20 year track record supplying hospitals and nursing homes,” Veale said.