John Nagle, executive head chef at The Westbury Hotel.
The Westbury Hotel in Dublin has moved all of its computing services to the cloud as part of a deployment using Citrix technology in conjunction with PFH Computers and Cable & Wireless.
The rollout is part of a two-year digital plan to move all of The Doyle Collection properties in Ireland, the UK and the US to cloud services.
The Marylebone Hotel in London will be the next within The Doyle Collection to be upgraded to the new system.
Chief executive Pat King said cloud computing offers a more flexible, efficient and secure platform to deliver better services to guests and business partners.
“The improvement of IT services and transfer of our servers and PCs to the cloud builds on recent investments into our new property management and finance systems.
“This includes the recent replacement of SAP with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The Doyle Collection continues to invest in its business and works vigorously to streamline processes in order to provide the most effective structure from which we can deliver the highest standard of service to our guests,” King added.