E-net and euNetworks sign access deal

27 Jun 2007

Customers of E-net’s nationwide metropolitan area networks (MANs) will have direct access to Europe’s highest-capacity fibre network which is owned and managed by euNetworks in a deal announced yesterday.

Conal Henry, chief executive of Limerick based E-net, told siliconrepublic.com that this new deal will allow anyone on the E-net infrastructure to buy a more cohesive fibre offering anywhere on the euNetwork footprint across Europe.

This will avoid the red tape that was previously involved in connecting to a fibre network outside Ireland.

“Previously the choices were either buy a piece here and a piece there, which wasn’t ideal. This offers a one-stop shop type of arrangement.

E-net manages 27 MANs, or fibre rings, around Ireland, funded by the Government.

Henry said what this new deal translates to for E-net business customers is that it will give end users more choice and reduce their cost.

“If Magnet has a customer that needs 100MB between Galway and Frankfurt, instead of having to buy a piece of network here and a piece of network there, this is one cohesive offering,” he said.

This has been offered in the past by multinationals, said Henry. However, multinationals can sometimes do it in a way that is very administrative or restrictive whereas this is open and flexible.

“There are a lot of independent fibre-optic assets around Europe and we think that of you can deliver a coherent customer experience across that it will really set the world on fire.”

By Marie Boran