Major growth opportunity if Irish firms embrace cloud computing

7 Oct 2010

Over the next three months, Siliconrepublic will embark on a concerted cloud computing campaign to ensure that Irish business leaders and their IT managers have the knowledge and know-how to take advantage of the cloud computing revolution sweeping the ICT industry.

Cloud computing offers an unparallelled opportunity for Irish firms to gain greater productivity and economies of scale in not only being more efficient but also selling products and services to the world.

As well as launching a portal, we will be leveraging all our channels to provide business owners and IT professionals with news, interviews and case studies on the cloud opportunity.

Starting this month with Digital Ireland, the cloud computing opportunity will be explained in this publication, along with eThursday, Owner Manager magazine, Marketing Age magazine and Irish Director magazine in the form of authoritative reports, leaders’ views, case studies and breaking news.

Cloud computing survey findings, on behalf of the Irish Internet Association, has revealed in an Irish-focused cloud computing market research survey that cloud computing is being taken more seriously by larger Irish enterprises.

The survey was completed by 217 respondents, with 70pc of those considering themselves senior management.

More than 70pc of survey takers said they had a clear understanding of cloud computing, compared to just 50pc last year.

When vendors were excluded from these figures, this improved understanding drops to 65pc; however, it is still an improvement of 20pc from 2009.

IT managers have improved their understanding from 57pc to 82pc.

Some 94pc of survey participants expressed confidence in the potential of cloud computing.

When only the largest enterprises were surveyed, this drops to 91pc, still a significant improvement on 2009.

Research data predicts a 30pc increase in cloud computing take-up in the next four years.

Silicon Republic has embarked on its Cloud Centre campaign to better inform businesses about opportunities in cloud computing. To visit our Cloud Centre, click here

By John Kennedy and Laura O’Brien