Jeremy Showalter, information worker lead with Microsoft in Ireland
Jeremy Showalter, information worker lead with Microsoft in Ireland, says the company is seeing considerable momentum in terms of uptake of its new Office 365 cloud services.
“The Northern Ireland Assembly has moved a number of its services to the Office 365 platform.
“We are finding a lot of large companies are looking at cloud and are making a bet on it because it is actually more secure than keeping all of it in-house.”
Showalter says that working norms are changing, powered by the fact that most workers today are deciding what computers and phones best suit their workstyle.
“Work in the 21st century is being defined less by the specific period of time that you spend at your desk and more about when you need to get that work done.
“Today’s workforce increasingly requires anywhere access and anywhere capability,” Showalter adds, pointing to the range of telecoms companies in Ireland, including O2, Vodafone and UPC, that have embraced Office 365 as part of their services portfolios for businesses.