Applications are the most common attack vector for hackers, yet only 11pc of security managers think their company’s applications are secure, research by Quotium Technologies suggests.
Quotium Technologies specialises in security and performance testing of business-critical applications.
The company’s research aims to provide better understanding of the solutions corporations in Europe and the US use to secure their applications. More than 500 security managers and chief information security officers took part in interviews for the study.
Most large organisations have processes in place to test their web applications vulnerabilities, according to the research findings. These organisations use penetration testing services, automated testing tools – mostly applications scanners or static code analysers – or web application firewalls to secure their assets.
The research also reveals a gap between the efforts put into protecting applications and the actual state of the applications. While almost all the organisations invest time, money and energy into protecting their infrastructure, using one or more types of service or technology, most of their applications remain vulnerable.