Will Microsoft’s HoloLens revolutionise how we watch sport?

3 Feb 2016

HoloLens promo video, via YouTube

About a year ago, Microsoft unveiled its HoloLens, a holographic computing platform that wowed us from the start. But the latest push by the company seems even more extraordinary then we expected.

Using a simple premise of watching football with friends around the house, Microsoft has produced a promotional video of how it believes it can revolutionise the entertainment industry.

In short? Your match isn’t restricted to your TV screen. Not even nearly.

Utlilising dining tables, walls, motion sensing commands and an immense amount of interactive coverage, if this is a true reflection of where entertainment is heading then I want in.

The reality at the moment is that wearing a HoloLens looks mighty ridiculous. The reality in the near future, though? It could become the only way to watch sports.

Developers are ready

The company previously said that, costing $3,000, developers could get their hands on a HoloLens in Q1 of this year.

So far, what is known about the HoloLens is that its hardware will include 2GB RAM with an x86 processor and 60Hz refresh rate, which should give it plenty to work with for AR applications.

A concern is the suitability of a device like this for mainstream consumer desires.

However, in this video, which Microsoft partnered up with the NFL to produce, the public might want this device more than you’d think. 3D displays of players, stats, stadium layouts (all interactive) fill your view, capturing instant replays on your coffee table.

Your social media can be incorporated or, as NFL fans may prefer, your fantasy football could be a prominent inclusion in your viewing.

A few warnings, though. This was presented at a programme to look at the changing way we view sport over the next 50 years, so you’d hope for a short-term option on this. But Microsoft has 2020 pencilled in for its first consumer headsets to be sold.

Second, I know from experience that when you see a trailer for a new computer game, specifically sports games, playing it looks far different to the polished adverts.

Still, it’s an exciting concept. And if it’s good enough for NASA

Gordon Hunt was a journalist with Silicon Republic
