Mobile operator 3 Ireland has confirmed it will be announcing price plans for the iPad within the next few weeks.
Correction: 3 Ireland will not be selling the Apple iPad nor will it be available in 3 Stores from early August. The operator says that it will have specifics on dedicated iPad Wi-Fi + 3G price plans “in the coming weeks” i.e. late July or early August but that these tariffs will not be available to customers until Apple itself launches the iPad in Ireland.
Apple originally stated several months ago that the iPad would go on sale in Ireland in July but there has been no official release date or follow up details on this.
3 is mostly likely planning to sell the Wi-Fi + 3G model through its stores and not the Wi-Fi only model.
Customers looking to purchase the iPad immediately will note it will not be stocked in store but rather ordered online from Apple through 3 after choosing a price plan.
3 Ireland is the first mobile operator to announce any specifics on iPad price plans in Ireland.