Image via blog.blagman.co.uk
Daylight Saving Time, or Summer Time, came to an end in Ireland, the UK, and several other countries this morning, when 2am became 1am again. So you get an extra hour to enjoy our collection of memes on the subject.
Many countries in the Northern Hemisphere observe Daylight Saving Time, and along with Ireland and the UK, residents in Spain, Portugal, Israel, and the Faroe Islands will be resetting the time on their clocks, watches and other gadgets today, according to timeanddate.com.
Folks in many parts of Canada and the United States will be making the switch on Sunday, 2 November.
Thanks to today’s tech, though, many gadgets, such as TVs, computers, smartphones and DVD players, will reset their time automatically.
Smoke alarms can’t change their own batteries, though, so remember to do that, too!