If you’ve noticed cute little baby lambs frolicking around in fields, then you know that spring has indeed sprung forth. It’s not only sheep that are having babies, but there are plenty of human ones arriving too! If you or someone you know is expecting a miniature human, then it’s worth seeking advice from fellow parents in the blogosphere. Here are a few good starting points.
The female body goes through lots of changes during and after pregnancy.
Some can be labelled as ‘glowing’, others not so much. Body issues and much more are covered here on this frank and informative blog.
There are also plenty of tips for non-frumpy maternity wear, cutesy ideas on how to announce your pregnancy and much more.
This Irish website dedicated to pregnancy and parenting has the right idea: encourage readers to keep their own blogs within the site.
The My Diary section of the site has a stream of the latest blog entries by mothers and expectant mothers. Get the skinny on what to expect and how these women are feeling through their pregnancy and beyond.
The funniest entry has to be this one: “Feel like a pig on a spit most nights in bed – turning every ten minutes.”
This blog is downright hilarious! Mr stay-at-home dad is an anonymous blogger who covers the ups, downs and in-betweens of wrestling three kids, while his wife, corporate babe, brings home the bacon.
His latest blog post, marking his eldest son’s 10th birthday, is extremely touching and funny in a bittersweet way. He says good night to his son and tells him about his own 10th birthday before going on to reflect that one day soon his son will grow into a young man and tower over him.
The Idle Parent is actually a book, but this blog-type site has some great articles on how to get more out of parenting by doing less. This sounds a bit strange: by less, the author, of course, means less restrictions.
Dare you indulge in the role of idle parent or own up to ever having cut corners – keeping your kids occupied by hiding a prize somewhere around the house while you find time for a relaxing coffee and piece of cake? I personally think the more relaxed you are towards child rearing, the better. You don’t need strict timetables filled with piano, football practice and expensive educational holidays – you just need to be there for them: spend time, not money.
By Marie Boran