Photo-sharing app Instagram has morphed to have more than 80m registered users who have shared nearly 4bn photos.
In its blog this week, Instagram announced its user community has amounted to more than 80m.
“As the community has grown, we’ve seen people sharing photos from all around the world, from South Korea to Bolivia, and even underwater!” said the blog.
Instagram really became part of the digital consciousness when it was snapped up by Facebook in April for US$1bn, despite being less than two years old at the time.
Instagram itself was just launched in October 2010, after Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger started their original development on the app early that same year. The product launched on the Apple App Store on 6 October 2010. Then, on 3 April this year, the Android version of Instagram was released. At the time the Android version amassed more than 1m downloads in less than 24 hours.
In the same week, Instagram raised US$50m from venture capitalists, valuing the company at US$500m. Then the news about the Facebook acquisition hit the headlines on 9 April 2012.