Irish vote iPod ‘king of gadgets’

30 Oct 2007

It is official: we think the iPod is the best invention in recent times and 13pc of us want an iPhone for Christmas despite the fact that there is not even a release date announced here yet.

With 20pc of those questioned citing the iPod as the most popular invention, the mobile phone came in second with the internet third, voted for by a mere 7pc.

These are the results of a recent survey by Discover Science & Engineering in preparation for Science Week which found that 93pc of 15 to 24 year olds are part of an online community like MySpace, Bebo or Facebook.

And it is not just teenagers that are addicted to online social networking: overall 54pc of us can claim membership to at least one of theses sites while 35pc visit on a daily basis.

Apple and Facebook frenzy aside, it seems as though 41pc of survey respondents have spent €400 and upwards on gadgets for themselves in the last year while 31pc are planning to spend between €100 and €200 on gadgets for their friends and loved ones.

Topping the Christmas most wanted list this year is the laptop followed by the yet to be released iPhone.

Nearly 100pc of survey participants admitted to owning a mobile phone, while 78pc own a digital camera and 57pc owned an MP3 player of some kind.

Gaming has become almost as mainstream as the digital camera and MP3 player with 48pc of those questioned owning a gaming console of some kind, either an Xbox 360, PS3, PSP or Nintendo Wii.

Surprising figures include the fact the 15pc of those aged 64-plus owned a games console while 15pc of all girls plan to buy a Wii for Christmas in comparison with 3pc of guys.

“Today, science and technology is an integral part of our lives,” said Peter Brabazon, programme director for Discover Science & Engineering.

“People regardless of gender, age or background are embracing new technologies to enhance their everyday lives whether it’s for entertainment, personal grooming, health and fitness or in their work life.

“Everyday science makes our lives more efficient, makes our learning more interactive and helps us to communicate more effectively.”

By Marie Boran