Mother’s Day is today in Ireland and the UK, and we’ve rounded up a selection of memes on the subject to help pay tribute to matriarchs everywhere.
Today is also the day where international call volume may be higher than usual.
Reuters had reported on a study by US-based international calling firm VIP Communications that found international call volume is higher on Mother’s Day than on any other holiday: 8pc higher than at New Year, 11pc higher than Valentine’s Day, and 62pc higher than Halloween.
The study also revealed people in South Africa, where Mother’s Day is celebrated in May, were most likely to make a call on the day, with calls made that day rising 91pc. This was a higher call volume increase than any other country.
Canadian telecoms company SaskTel had also expected its customers to place plenty of long-distance calls on Mother’s Day – more than 1.2m, to be exact. Even though that figure is from 2011, it marked the 12th consecutive year where SaskTel forecast more than a million long-distance calls on Mother’s Day.
These findings are probably no surprise in this day an age, especially considering smartphones and services such as Skype making calling mothers abroad easier than ever.