PlayStation Vita out now in Ireland (video)

22 Feb 2012

The PlayStation Vita

The PlayStation Vita has launched in Ireland today. We spoke to Niall O’Hanrahan, MD of Sony Computer Entertainment Ireland, and John McLaughlin, producer of SCE worldwide studios, about its features.

Sony’s latest portable console is equipped with a 5-inch OLED multitouch screen, a rear touchpad, dual analogue sticks, front and rear cameras and a six-axis motion-sensing system.

There will be a number of games launching alongside the console, including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, WipEout 2048, Unit 13, MotorStorm RC, Rayman Origins, Ridge Racer and FIFA Football.

The console also features a number of social applications, such as Party, which lets players voice or text chat to friends when playing games; Near, which lets players find friends within the same area to share gifts; and Cross-Play, which lets gamers play against others across both the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3.

The console is available as a 3G and Wi-Fi model, with Vodafone as Sony’s preferred 3G partner or a Wi-Fi-only model.

O’Hanrahan spoke about the new console and the potential it has in the current gaming market.

PlayStation Vita, Sony’s latest portable console

The console also features Wide Area Augmented Reality which lets gamers play games which use the environment around them. McLaughlin showed us how this feature works on the PlayStation Vita.

Augmented Reality on the PlayStation Vita

The PlayStation Vita costs €249.99 for the Wi-Fi only model and €299.99 for the 3G and Wi-Fi model. The price of games will range from €9.99 to €49.99. Check out our review of the PS Vita for a closer look at the console.