This can be yours for about US$640. Image via eBay
Enterprising citizens are heading to eBay to sell for hundreds of dollars what are purportedly fragments of the meteor that fell over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk last week.
The meteor that produced a sonic boom that shattered glass and thus injured to up to 1,000 people broke up while it streaked across the sky last Friday morning in Russia.
Now, eBay sellers are offering samples of what look to be pieces of space rock.
One piece up on eBay, described as “samples from the scene of a Chelyabinsk meteorite” has sold for US$200.
Another still-active eBay listing for the “stone and chondrite” item is going for US$640 and has attracted 38 bids at time of writing.
Pebble-sized pieces on another eBay listing have enticed five bidders thus far, with the selling price currently at US$56.55.
Thousands of people looking to pocket meteor fragments headed to a frozen lake more than 80 kilometres (50 miles) outside of Chelyabinsk after the meteor reportedly crash landed there.
Needless to say, buyers should exercise caution if they’re considering buying such items from eBay or any other online site, since verifying whether the items for sale are actually from THE meteor are nearly impossible.