The era of 3D television is upon us and the first 3D panels to be sold in Ireland will be through Samsung who has confirmed that electronics stores will be getting shipments from the second week in April.
When will I be able to buy a 3D TV?
With 3D televisions arriving in Irish shops from the second week in April the first consumers can expect to be sitting down to a three-dimensional experience in their living room by the end of the month.
Samsung is the first TV manufacturer to bring 3D TV to Ireland and will be offering this new technology across its three offerings: LCD, plasma and the recently introduced LED screen.
How does 3D TV work?
To experience 3D TV you do need special glasses, says Kevin Maguire, country manager for Samsung consumer electronics, but don’t think you can sneak a few pairs out the door in your pocket after watching Avatar in Cineworld because they are specific glasses.
“To enjoy the impact of 3D TV the consumer will need special glasses. There are two types: active and passive, and Samsung’s ones are active so there is a sensor between the glasses and the TV.”
The Samsung 3D glasses are not cheap nor do they work with other TV brands but there will be a special package bundling the 3D TV with two pairs of glasses and a Blu-ray 3D title on release.
Can I watch regular 2D content on a 3D TV?
Yes, you can. As Maguire explains, whether there is 3D content playing on your 3D TV or not you will get enhanced depth of field from regular content on your screen.
How much will a 3D TV cost?
Maguire says that a 40-inch LCD 3D panel will have a RRP of €1,299 (exact price dependent on retailer) but the package bundling the active glasses pus the Blu-ray 3D title Monsters vs. Aliens will have an RRP of around €1,669 so you will be able to enjoy a 3D television experience straight out of the box.
What 3D content will I be able to watch?
Content will be vitally important, says Maguire: “3D content will be made available through TV broadcasters. Companies like Sky say this will be available sometime between May and September. Sports, action movies and documentaries are going to benefit most from the 3D experience.”
Samsung is also bringing out both a 3D Blu-ray player and 3D home cinema theatre offering because, as Maguire explains, the driving force behind 3D TV for now will be Blu-ray titles, as movies currently in the cinema such as Clash of the Titans, Avatar, Up and Alice in Wonderland are released.
Can I try 3D TV before I buy?
Maguire says that Samsung is currently talking to retailers around Ireland to make sure that there will be good 3D television demonstrations for interested customers.
“We’re very excited about being first to market. The big challenge for retailers will be showing these products and we’ll work very closely with them over the next few weeks.”
Photo: 3D televisions will arrive in Irish shops from the second week in April