Snapchat has brought in ‘speed modifiers’ that allow you to fast-forward, rewind or slow-mo your videos, so now you can be a real video director. Honest.
Snapchat is all about the changes lately. Last month, we got new, strange, colourful filters. This month? We are time lords.
Snapchat’s premise is all about the impulse, we’re an impulsive people. Well, Snapchatters are, in particular.
The more quirky tools it can enable, the higher the likelihood that users stay on the service and absorb the ads adorning it.
This is true of most online businesses, but Snapchat’s demographic of young users makes attention-span planning all the more important.
The filter changes from last month were a bit extreme. For example, only one of the below images of a colleague is actually un-doctored:
It brought in a replay function a few years ago, but this week’s update seems as significant, as it will change the types of videos you can make in huge ways.
Much like Instagram, actually, with its Boomerang service coming on stream only a few days ago, which combines a shutter of photos into a one-second video.
This is all an arms race, really, as even Instagram was following Twitter-owned Vines, or even Apple’s new Live Photos.
But to win this war you need the users, which Snapchat has, with 4m people using the service every day.
Snapchat image via Global Panorama on Flickr